Australian Shepherds

ASCA ATCH 5 Circle S Tigger Too SRN Eagle OA, AJX, OF, NJC for winning 2014 Agility Finals at Nationals
OTCH SRN Eagle's Aspen RM for winning 2016 Superdog
WTCH-VCH-A-CH, JSO, RSO, GSO, RN, SRN Eagles Yours Truly for finishing her WTCH! (ASCA Verification)
WTCH VCH. CH/ UCH. SRN Eagle's Dash O Pepper CDX,RM, RO3,AKC RA for attaining her VCH/WTCH!
AKC UD RE "Robbie" for attaining their SVCH!
SRN Eagle Rio Pueblo de Taos RS-O, GS-O-OP, JS-O-OP, EAS, OAJ, RN for wining Open Agility Finals at the 2017 nationals!
Welcome to Soaring (SRN) Eagle Australian Shepherds!
ASCA Hall Of Fame Excellent Kennel #13
ASCA Hall Of Fame Kennel #55
ASCA DNA Certified Kennel
Sharon Elkins
Calhan, CO
(719) 331-6290

This name is a combination of my Native American heritage, some great dogs, and the power of the eagle.
I was introduced to the wonderful Aussie approximately 30 years ago. I really liked the looks of the Aussie and the ability they had. At that time, my daughter and I were showing Quarter Horses and saw the dogs at these shows and on ranches/farms helping with stock.
I eventually got a couple and started showing. I knew I was interested in the different venues that Aussies compete in. Gradually, I was competing in conformation, obedience, stock, and agility.
It was several years before I decided to get into the breeding aspect. My goal is to maintain healthy dogs that produce dogs that are good looking, have a good temperament and are also talented for the many venues there are, as well.
The dogs that I keep are all DNA'd, OFA, and eyes cleared. They are also ASCA, AKC, and UKC registered. I keep just a few dogs as I do the many venues, so, do not want dogs just sitting in a kennel. They are a very big part of my life and take a lot of time to care for properly and also the time for training in different venues. The Aussie is a people dog and loves to be with us.
I have been fortunate to have some talented dogs that produced that talent and good looks. Some of the dogs I have raised have been in the top 10 standings in stock and obedience. Several have been awarded Most Versatile, Most Promising on stock, High in Trial in stock and obedience, and also titles in conformation and tracking.
Please enjoy your visit to my site and feel free to contact me for any information on any of my dogs or just to talk Aussies in general.
(c) 2015 and Onwards. Sharon Elkins. Design by Maci Hass

Pictured: 7 VCH bred by SRN Eagle